Home Recipe Lemongrass Beverage and Its Potent Benefit to Reduce (Bad) Cholesterol Level

Lemongrass Beverage and Its Potent Benefit to Reduce (Bad) Cholesterol Level


Lemongrass is often viewed as one of the most potent herbal ingredients that aren’t only safe for consumption, but also deliver beneficial health results. You can use the lemongrass in your meal or drink it as a tea. The latter one is either mixed up with tea or boiled as its own concoction. It’s believed that when you consume lemongrass beverage every day, you can improve your health – including maintaining good cholesterol level.

The Annoying Problem of High Cholesterol Level

Suffering from cholesterol isn’t easy because the health issue tends to get expansive when it becomes serious. Not only you are at the brink of stroke, but it can also lead to other (serious) health issues, such as gout.

The main cause of high cholesterol level is mostly from food and stress. Not only you need to learn how to manage lifestyle changing and healthier habit, but you can also support your effort with herbal remedies. Well, lemongrass beverage is believed to help fight off high cholesterol level with its potent contents. You only need to learn how to make one.

Health Benefits of Lemongrass

Do you know that lemongrass contains high level of antioxidants, such as geraniol and limonene? Antioxidants are known to fight off free radicals while preventing the oxygenation of the fat cells at the same time. As the result, lemongrass can reduce the level of triglyceride as well as the LDL (or the bad) cholesterol. Once these levels are significantly reduced, you won’t have to worry about atherosclerosis, stroke, or heart attack.

Moreover, lemongrass is also rich in myrcene, a type of bioactive compound having analgesic (pain relief) properties. When you drink lemongrass beverage, you can deal with mild pain such as headaches, muscular soreness, and cramps. Some people make lemongrass beverage by mixing some lemongrass oil into the water, but if you don’t mind the extra effort, why don’t you boil the lemongrass and water, and voila! You can have a natural, healthy, and potent ‘potion’ of your own.

Other benefits of lemongrass are:

  • It helps with weight loss
  • It can prevent cancer
  • It prevents anxiety and insomnia
  • It repels annoying insects
  • It can be used to treat yeast infection

How to Make the Beverage

Making the beverage is relatively easy. You only need to have the lemongrass and water. Make sure that you have two lemongrass sticks and 500 ml of water.

  • You don’t need to cut the lemongrass. Simply wash them and then make a knot of each of them.
  • Boil the water and put the lemongrass in it.
  • Boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Check the water. It should turn yellowish.
  • Turn off your store. Remove the mix into another container so it will cool off right away.
  • Once it cools off, you can pour the mixture into (drinking) glasses. Drink the beverage twice a day to maintain your health and good condition.

Some people prefer it completely cools off, while others may drink it while it’s still warm. Whatever option you choose, just make sure that you don’t consume it while it’s super hot because it can hurt your throat.

Final Words

It’s important to remember that you need to consult your doctor before consuming the beverage. Despite the benefits, lemongrass has its own side effect, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, and weakness. Your doctor need to review your medical condition and monitor your condition, making sure that the lemongrass beverage is okay for you.


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